Deep Blue

  • Aleah Beranek
  • 18 Inches x 9.5 Inches
  • Lincoln, NE


Out of stock

  • Aleah Beranek
  • 18 Inches x 9.5 Inches
  • Lincoln, NE

About the Artist

Aleah Beranek

My preferred process is mixed media with much of my work being inspired by animals and nature. I base my pieces on the forms of existing creatures, but design them in line with my own psyche, which I describe as twisted, imaginative, and somewhat goofy. As often as my work is amusing, many of my pieces are made to be visually beautiful. While inspired by nature, I also upcycle “trash” so that it can be reused as a way to honor nature for what it gives us. While attending a school for the blind in Nebraska City, I learned that art isn’t just a painting on a canvas. I formed an aesthetic process from materials that are tactile. I view this process as a calming mechanism; a connection to my inner sense of flow. Making work empowers me to alleviate fears of being in front of people, and to better open up and connect with others. My exploration of art in various mediums has developed and pushed me out of my boundaries in terms of what I can or can’t do, and learned how to improve that further.

Art on display at Courage Kenny and online gallery.

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.