
  • Joe Toomer
  • 16 Inches x 20 Inches


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  • Joe Toomer
  • 16 Inches x 20 Inches

About the Artist

Joe Toomer

I have been challenged since I was 4 years old. A gun accident left me paralyzed on my left side. Ever since I can remember I have had a love of photography. In college I pursued training in photography. I studied the basics in film photography and darkroom skills. I started out photographing landscapes and wildlife, but as my training progressed to include Digital format photography I also began to study abstract and architectural projects. I never let my physical limitations restrict my imagination, vision, or creativity. I don't stop till I have the perfect picture!!!

Additional information

Dimensions 5485653 × 5482654 in
* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.