Variations in B Minor

  • Brandon Allebach
  • 24 Inches x 18 Inches
  • Albuquerque, NM


Out of stock

  • Brandon Allebach
  • 24 Inches x 18 Inches
  • Albuquerque, NM

Cubist Landscape with no reference used. Sides are painted, and framed in a black floater frame.

About the Artist

Brandon Allebach

Brandon Allebach has been a New Mexico artist for over fifteen years. Inspired by Cubism, Catharsis, and art of the southwest, Brandon paints abstractions with acrylic on canvas. Using sharp lines and contrast, he focuses on creating depth that interweaves the foreground and background. He also likes birds and sunsets. Brandon has Holt Oram syndrome, a shortening of the arms and fingers, which he seems adapted to paint. His disability inspires him to do his best, and remind others to do theirs. Brandon is proudly a part of several artist organizations and shows, one being Art Lifting, an organization that promotes homeless and disabled artists.

Art on display at Courage Kenny and online gallery.

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.