
  • Dick Grodt
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  • Dick Grodt
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About the Artist

Dick Grodt

Dick Grodt believes that the objective of his art is to go beyond recording just what he sees into what he imagines; to create paintings that are not just pleasing visually but that are also richly evocative. As he describes it, he dances with a brush instead of his feet. Confined to a wheel chair due to a hereditary spinal cord disorder, Dick finds that the gracefulness of watercolor has transformed his life; both painting and teaching watercolor classes cocoons him from his disability and enables him to pursue a rewarding and successful life. Dick is a signature member of the Iowa Watercolor Society and has had many one-man shows. One of his paintings appeared on the cover of Sunshine Artist, a show and festival publication, another has hung in the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. and yet another won Best of Show in an international art show at the Sister Kinney Rehabilitative Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dick studied at the Kansas City Art Institute.

Additional information

Dimensions 5485653 × 5482654 in
* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.