Ally Collage 1

  • Amy Unger
  • 12 Inches x 12 Inches
  • St. Paul, MN


Out of stock

  • Amy Unger
  • 12 Inches x 12 Inches
  • St. Paul, MN

About the Artist

Amy Unger

I primarily work with my digital collection of alphabet photographs. Prior to my head injury in 2016, I had four goals for my artwork: 1) to convey mixed messages by playing the emotional quality of the letters off of the word I have constructed, 2) to call the viewer’s attention to the urban qualities of our commercial signage, 3) to employ and enjoy the textural qualities of the photographs as they become transitional images on canvas, 4) and to provoke not only an aesthetic response from the viewer but also a response that requires some reflective thinking about the constructed word and our collective and personal histories. I am now using my letter photos to promote “Safe Zone” imagery for the LGBTQIA+2S community. I build words with white on black letters to convey positive, gender expansive messages that are inclusive and meaningful. As an Ally, my designs include imagery to help Allies convey their values and commitment to Safe Spaces.

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* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.