
  • Joan Price
  • 12 Inches x 12 Inches
  • Minneapolis, MN


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  • Joan Price
  • 12 Inches x 12 Inches
  • Minneapolis, MN

Gratitude is the 4th in this Emotion series. As with Anger, Love and Shame I thought about Gratitude as I painted. The colors reflect my mood as I thought about family and friends and how they are intertwined. And I am also grateful to be able to paint :)

About the Artist

Joan Price

I've done art my whole life. I have recieved a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and worked in federal service over 20 years. I live with PTSD, major depression, anxiety, TBI, back and neck injuries, Fibromyalgia, and Diabetes. I have also suffered abuse throughout my life and this series of 4 paintings are based on me thinking of the title emotion as I painted each work. I have sold two paintings in past Art of Possibilities shows and I have had one painting shown in the Minneapolis Institute of Art Museum.

Art on display at Courage Kenny and online gallery.

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.