Into the Light

  • Ian Shearer
  • 22 Inches x 28 Inches
  • Seattle, WA


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  • Ian Shearer
  • 22 Inches x 28 Inches
  • Seattle, WA

About the Artist

Ian Shearer

Isolation and marginalization have always influenced my work as a gay artist. These themes are magnified since my stroke. I explore themes of neurodiversity and disability building a dream world—things aren’t what they seem, but rather what we seem to think they are. Sketching in paint I soak my canvases with water creating rivers of pigment. I paint between these dripped lines, manipulating perspective and creating a jumble of flat and rendered imagery. Low and high contrasting values help tell the story of confusion and disorientation. Figures slowly emerge from shadow, while bright paint spatters recreate the jarring euphoria of synesthesia experienced with sensory processing disorders. The chaotic drippings are symbolic of the “static” of aphasia and the lack of muscle control of dysarthria and apraxia; while simultaneously creating sensations of vertigo, common to traumatic brain injury. Patterns within the drips are highlighted or darkened to resemble MRI’s and angiograms.

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