Life is fleeting. Love is eternal

  • michael miessen
  • 9 Inches x 13 Inches
  • brooklyn park, MN


Out of stock

  • michael miessen
  • 9 Inches x 13 Inches
  • brooklyn park, MN

Words are a pale explanation. So much effort and attention is spent on external beauty,but what is so much more deep and lasting is authentic love. Eyes are a window to the soul. Although a soul mate may pass beyond this mortal life, it is still within the grasp of those who loved them so.

About the Artist

michael miessen

Crafting and creating unique items takes many forms and media to share my growing awareness of my place in the larger culture. My history, knowledge and relationships are elements that affect me, much like a tree has rings that reveal the elements that have impacted it's development. Art and craft have always been important for my discovery of the breadth of life. Since 2012, a watershed period of surviving West Nile Virus/ Encephaitis/ coma, creating has assisted me in realizing the re-discovery of my limits and even more my capacity to thrive.

Art on display at Courage Kenny and featured online at

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.