Moderate-to-Severe #2

  • Grace Worden
  • 16 Inches x 24 Inches
  • Lawrence, KS


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  • Grace Worden
  • 16 Inches x 24 Inches
  • Lawrence, KS

About the Artist

Grace Worden

These images are part of a body of work about my experiences with migraines, as well as how these experiences have shaped my participation in the photography studio environment. For many photographers, the studio is a bastion of creativity and artistic expression, a space to support their imaginations and their livelihoods. Due to my unique circumstances, especially with my inherent sensitivity to light, I do not think I will ever derive the same level of ontological security or comfort from this space. Through this project, I have grappled with creating work at my own expense and navigating aspects of my career that are generally inaccessible to me. These images are how I have chosen to release my pain and frustration into the world. They utilize everyday objects and other studio apparatus which have been bent and broken to fit a more violent, overwhelming context. Under red-tinted lighting, the materials suggest an underlying hostility present within an otherwise innocuous setting.

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