Night Walk

  • David Wright
  • 12 Inches x 9 Inches
  • New Hope, MN


Out of stock

  • David Wright
  • 12 Inches x 9 Inches
  • New Hope, MN

Hand drawing brilliantly colored with graphic art

About the Artist

David Wright

David Wright was born with Trisomy 8, a rare chromosomal abnormality. For David the outcome was disability of language, receptive but mostly expressive, impairing his ability to communicate. However, his visual skills are keen, including his senses of color and abstraction. His art reflects these strengths, full of whimsy and brilliant light. David is able to share his love of life and places through his art. He started out drawing and coloring by hand. Then he added graphic arts, using his computer to manipulate and augment his hand drawings. He also uses photography, both to capture the image he wants to draw and as a means of documenting his experiences.

Art on display at Courage Kenny and online gallery.

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.