On the Lake

  • David Wright
  • 16 Inches x 12 Inches
  • New Hope, MN


Out of stock

  • David Wright
  • 16 Inches x 12 Inches
  • New Hope, MN

Whimsical view of a day at the lake

About the Artist

David Wright

I was born with Trisomy 8, a rare chromosome disorder that results in mild developmental disability and challenging speech and language disorder. I use my art to communicate with the world, sharing the magic I imagine. I have been drawing three dimensional figures since I was 3 years old. I have been a member of the Interact community since my early twenties. There I work on painting and drawing and help exhibit student work in the Gallery. I learned Photoshop Elements on my home computer. I draw my pictures with pen and scan them into the computer where I edit and color my work. My submissions of On the Lake and The Coffee Shop are good examples of this process. My colors are bright, my images whimsical. I love travel and architecture and find good information on both in books as well as my personal travels. My other interest is photography. I have the gift of finding the just the shot I want with minimal snaps. The Art of Possibilities is a wonderful opportunity to share

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.