Pandemic Engulfment

  • Clarence Boucher
  • 11 Inches x 14 Inches


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  • Clarence Boucher
  • 11 Inches x 14 Inches

About the Artist

Clarence Boucher

I am Blind in one eye, the other eye has glaucoma, field and contrast loss. I have nerve damage from a cervical explosion fracture. I have type II Diabetes. I am a Master Teaching Artist for ARTS ACCESS SOUTH CAROLINA. My work has been in The New York Art Review, American Artist Magazine's Annual Watercolor edition, and Who’s Who in Art. Exhibitions: 2020 The New Southern Fugitives, publishing painting Pandemic Engulfment, 2020 Virginia Beach Art Center, Sea of Change, 2020 Duluth Art Center, 2020 Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, "Art of Possibilities," *3rd Place

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.