The Exchange

  • Lindsey Morrison Grant
  • 16 Inches x 20 Inches
  • Portland, OR


Out of stock

  • Lindsey Morrison Grant
  • 16 Inches x 20 Inches
  • Portland, OR

This mandala represents the natural, ongoing, cyclical exchange between the eternal & ephemeral, the celestial and the earthly, the tangible and the intangible.

About the Artist

Lindsey Morrison Grant

I despise the term “disability” but prefer “challenge.” "Disability” says, “You cannot ______”, whereas a “challenge” encourages creativity, persistence & “out of the box” thinking. Pity's crippling and inhumane. The human spirit can endure tremendous hardship, but internalizing pity from the well-meaning diminishes the spirit. I've learned to re-frame assumptive descriptors & experiences; challenge stereotypes & pompous protocols to find healing & self-acceptance. Social stigma & life-long internalized need for others' approval made debilitating mental health symptoms more crippling. My fear exacerbated it. The more energy I put into appearing “normal” the less I understood the mechanics of it all. I was a Square Peg determined to fit in. It'd take lots of MH emergencies, 2 heart attacks, & cancer for me to appreciate that MY wellness MUST include creative expression to manage stress. Art-making isn't a pastime but a matter of life and death. I choose Life, so I choose to Crea

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