Why Do We Make This Face?

  • Meredith Bakke
  • 28 Inches x 24 Inches
  • San Marcos, TX


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  • Meredith Bakke
  • 28 Inches x 24 Inches
  • San Marcos, TX

About the Artist

Meredith Bakke

I recreate memories from imagination to create narratives between the ordinary and mythological. Female figures perform mundane tasks within fictional interiors that pass as both landscape and still life. Overlooked and isolated from others, they reveal their inner state of mind— turning the viewer into both an intimate partner and a voyeuristic stranger. In recent years, the exponential growth of technology has amplified our obsession with sight. Many people desire to be seen, while some look at others; I am neither. In fact, I have only ever been the observer of myself. The rawness of my work embodies the idea of self-awareness and celebrates feelings of ambivalence, anxiety, and humor. Looking through a mystical lens, I witness my experiences unfold— turning the stories I paint into something more than my own.

Art on display at Courage Kenny and online gallery.

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.