Yellow Wild Iris

  • Pat Neely Spinosa
  • 8 Inches x 10 Inches


Out of stock

  • Pat Neely Spinosa
  • 8 Inches x 10 Inches

About the Artist

Pat Neely Spinosa

Pat Neely, a former Minneapolis College of Art and Design Instructor, used to tell her students, "If you want your drawing or painting to look exactly like the subject, than take a photo class, not my art class!" Now, with some regret for those harsh words and after accidentally falling into passion with a used camera, she has found an unusual reality in her photos. Nothing is altered in the shoot or the processing. Pat simply shoots, prints and shares and nothing has been changed from reality as the subject presents itself. She creates from her wheelchair as a result of Lyme disease and uses a discontinued Canon Powershot on auto.

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.