Ascent of Hope

  • Michael Miessen
  • 27 Inches x 18 Inches


Out of stock

  • Michael Miessen
  • 27 Inches x 18 Inches

About the Artist

Michael Miessen

While I don't wish anyone to ever survive a major medical stuation, I do find that as my recovery from such a situation provides an opportunity to learn more about who I am at my deepest core. The way in which I now encounter the world and attempt to express that encounter is shaped by my limited capacities. My mental and emotional capacities are different and also my physical capacities present limitations. I am learning to live with realistic expectations as I push limits and Iattempt to build strength. This seems reflected in my creative work. The art I create now is richer in meaning. As I am in the process of putting together for a particular piece, I allow improvisation and discovery to take place. The final composition is often quite different from the original conception and yet it still expresses my original thoughts. My recovery is through improvisation and discovery; as I can, when I can, and how I can.

Additional information

Dimensions 5485653 × 5482654 in
* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.