Mountains in Sunset

  • Louis Middleton
  • 14 Inches x 11 Inches


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  • Louis Middleton
  • 14 Inches x 11 Inches

About the Artist

Louis Middleton

Besides being a devotee of all things retro and 1950s, Louis Middleton often gravitates towards epic landscape and portraiture, or a combination of the two, in his art. His landscapes cover a variety of scenes from tropical beaches to Baltimore City to snowy mountain ranges, and his portraits are often of celebrities he’s most interested in (e.g., country singers, U.S. Presidents and comedians). He often starts his work with a sketch, which he then transfers to canvas and paints with acrylics. Besides painting, Louis has long enjoyed taking his own digital photographs and digitally manipulates these photographs into original imagery. With the support of his family, Louis operates his own photo restoration business and has logged a number of satisfied customers in this work. Louis is an artist at Make Studio and a graduate of the St. Elizabeth School, both in Baltimore, MD.

Additional information

Dimensions 5485653 × 5482654 in
* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.