Pretty In Pink

  • Mary Vorhes
  • 15.62 Inches x 12.5 Inches
  • Roseville, MN


Out of stock

  • Mary Vorhes
  • 15.62 Inches x 12.5 Inches
  • Roseville, MN

Large various shades pink peony with various shades greenery in background

About the Artist

Mary Vorhes

Nature is my inspiration, both in photography and in paintings. I enjoy taking photos in nature and creating art from the photos. I also enjoy using my imagination to create fun, creative art. I have been taking photographs since I was in grade school. And I have been painting for the past 15 years or so. I live with PTSD and bi-polar disorder. Sometimes I use a sponge to steady my hand as it shakes at times. Art helps me change my emotions from more negative ones to more positive emotions , and I am grateful for that. I am glad I can be creative as it helps me deal with the ups and downs of my disabilities. Art also helps me feel like I am contributing to the lives of those around me and those who see my art.

Art on display at Courage Kenny and featured online at

* All art sales are final. Art only available to ship within the United States.